Voice Excellence Program

Course Overview

Voice Excellence Program

The Voice Excellence Program is a 2-month Certificate course crafted for singers and voice artists from all learning and training backgrounds. The course offers a personalized approach, commencing with an in-depth graphical voice analysis that provides participants with a roadmap for their vocal development. The course is open to singers of any genre of music, voiceover artists, radio jockeys and public speakers who wish to understand their voice better and maintain good vocal health. The collaborative sessions will be conducted at IME Museum by expert mentors with extensive knowledge and teaching experience in culturing Indian voices.

The stalwarts of Indian vocal music maintained their voices through endless hours of dedicated practice, with utmost concentration given to their posture, pitch, and rhythm. The course will highlight these significant aspects of Indian music, which may very well be applied to any other genre of song or speech. The participants will be introduced to advanced techniques of breath management, body posture, vocal health maintenance and voice articulation. The curriculum encompasses the nuances of traditional Indian Classical Voice training practices that involve Voice Yoga and the vital skills to be applied while performing on stage or during a studio recording. In addition, the participants will work on the topics of healthy voice projection through the proper engagement of body muscles alongside learning to employ specific techniques to communicate effectively to the audience with ease and minimal vocal fatigue. The course aims to develop amateur and professional singers and voice artists into vocal virtuosos with the tools necessary for a long and durable career.

The Voice Excellence Program features regular feedback sessions, ensuring participants receive guidance based on their unique voice analyses done throughout the course period. The program also emphasizes repertoire building by involving interactive workshops, and group rehearsals and performances, fostering a collaborative and enriching learning environment. The program will conclude with a finalé performance, showcasing the participants’ acquired skills through the course.

Be it an experienced professional or an aspiring singer or voice artist, the Voice Excellence Program at IME Museum offers a sophisticated and holistic approach to mastery, providing a solid foundation for sustained well-being for the voice.